Tokutei gino: Food manufacturing

number assumed

・about 34,000 workers in total for 5 years

If you have completed your technical training below for three years  in Japan  suiccessuflly  and if you can prove your skill level with certificates etc.,
1. you don’t have to take skill test or Japanese language test.
2. you could work for companies in food manufacturing industries with Tokutei gino visa. 


For example, if you finished bread baking training, you could also work for sausage making companies as well as bread baking companies.

Regarding how you can prove your skill level, the government is now trying to set up rules.

If you haven't finished the above mentioned technical training in Japan, you could prove your visa eligibilty by passing the tests.

skill test

・Given in local languages
・CBT (Computer based tesitin) or paper test

・Given  about 2 times per year

・Given in and outside Japan

・Given about 10 times per year
・Will start  in October in 2019


1. The following people in Japan cannot take the skill test:

* students expulsed by schools

* trainees who ran away

* refugee applicants

* current trainees

language test

You can choose ① or ② below:

①Japanese language check test (new and for all fields)

・CBT (Computer based testing)

・Given about 6 times oper year

・Given in and outside Japan (countries yet to be decided)
・Will start in  April, 2019

・Focus more on listening and speaking than on reading and writing

② JLPT N4 or above

ministry in charge

Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF)

Based on "Operation guidelines" dated 2018/12/25, posted on HP of Ministry of Justice