Tips: Working Visa, general information

1. How can I relocate to Japan with my family from XXXX(country)?
2. How to get working visa?
3. My boss wants to hire my family in XXXX. How can I apply his/her working visa? I am a permanent resident in Japan. 

Well, at first Japan doesn’t have general immigrant system.
If you want to stay in Japan as a resident, you need to have a concrete and clear purpose to stay and prove you deserve it.

For spouse/dependent visa, you need to have a spouse/parent in Japan. Dependent to parent is generally only for minor children.
For student visa, you need to complete admission procedure at a school in Japan.
Same for working visa.  You need to get a job offer from a company in Japan.  You cannot get a working visa without a company.

Secondly, Japanese working visa is not for simple labor.
There are several types of working visa. The most general one is called Engineer/Humanity/international. In order to apply for this visa, you need to be:
1. 4 year college graduate either in own country or in Japan/ job should be related to your academic background or your language skill
2. Japanese vocational school graduate/ job should be related to subjects you learnt at vocational school
3. More than 10 year experience for skillful job such as high level IT
4. More than 3 year experience for international job such as language teacher, trading manager and so on.
For 3&4, job should be the similar to your experience.

I have been receiving many inquiries from outside Japan since the news taht Japan is welcomin more foreign workers released. The reality is no to easy.

And for FAQ 3 above, basically Japanese visa is divided into 2 categories. Working and private status related.
Visa holders in the latter ones such as spouse, long term and permanent, you can do any type jobs. And mostly, a job what you are doing now is not suitable job for working visa.

As an immigration lawyer in Japan, generally what I can do is supporting foreigners in Japan to bring family or extend/change own visa or companies who want to hire foreigners from abroad.
So if you send a message like:  Please help me. I want to work in Japan 

For such inquiries, what I can do is providing information.